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Chairs, Research
Closing and award ceremony for the GenHack2 challenge
The closing ceremony of the second edition of the GenHack student challenge, organised by the "Stress Test, Risk management and Financial Steering" chair, was held on Thursday 2 February 2023 in the presence of the five winning teams.
Chairs, Research
Call for applications for the "CFM Women in Quantitative Finance" PhD scholarship
For the 4th consecutive year, the Chair "Econophysics and Complex Systems" is launching a call for applications for the "CFM Women in Quantitative Finance" PhD scholarship. This grant enables its laureates to finance their doctoral thesis in a field where women are still under-represented.
Four ERC Consolidator grant recipients
Camille Duprat (Hydrodynamics Laboratory), Roland Rathelot (Centre for Research in Economics and Statistics), Balt Van Rees (Centre for Theoretical Physics) and Maks Ovsjanikov (Computer Science Laboratory of the École Polytechnique) are carrying out projects funded by the European Research Council.
École polytechnique releases an online dynamic digital brochure to present its Research and Laboratories
École Polytechnique has published online a dynamic digital presentation in French and English of its 23 laboratories, their teams and ambitions. École Polytechnique, a founding member of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, has made the promotion of its research within IP Paris a cornerstone of its 2022-2026 development plan.
Deflecting lightning with a laser lightning rod
Thanks to a high-powered laser installed on the summit of Säntis (Switzerland), a European consortium led by the Laboratoire d’optique appliquée has succeeded in influencing the trajectory of lightning. These results are published in the journal Nature Photonics.
Manas Upadhyay receives an award from the French Society for Metallurgy and Materials
Manas Upadhyay, an Assistant Professor at the Ecole Polytechnique, is awarded the Jean & André Rist Medal 2022 for his work on understanding the microstructure of materials. His research at the Solid Mechanics Laboratory is currently directed towards making metal additive manufacturing more sustainable.
Magnetic reconnection studied in the laboratory
In many astrophysical processes such as solar flares, particle acceleration is likely to result from the reconnection of different magnetic field lines. In a paper published in Nature Communications, a team including researchers from the Intense Laser Laboratory and the Plasma Physics Laboratory shows that the geometry of these field lines plays a crucial role.
Education, Research
Launch of the Alexander Friedmann Fund
Created to support various scientific activities associated to the field of cosmology, the Alexander Friedmann Fund was launched on December 05, 2022 by the first Colloquium Friedmann. Frank Eisenhauer from Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (Germany) inaugurated these conferences by speaking about “The galactic center black hole, the effects of general relativity, and how to observe them”.
International, Research
Visiting professorships at Columbia University and École Polytechnique
Christophe Josserand, CNRS researcher and professor at École Polytechnique, and Qiang Du, Fu Foundation Professor of Applied Mathematics at Columbia University, spent three months as visiting professors at the respective other institution in the United States and France. As they crossed paths at École Polytechnique this autumn, they agreed to tell us about their visiting professorships and experience at the partner institutions.
The European Research Council funds three young researchers
Fabian Cadiz of the Condensed Matter Physics Laboratory, Adrien Leblanc of the Laboratoire d’Optique Appliquée and Félix Tropf of the Centre for Research in Economics and Statistics have been awarded ERC Starting Grants by the European Research Council to set up research teams in their respective fields.
Atomic scale observation and manipulation of spins in semiconductors
Fabian Cadiz, a researcher at the Laboratory of Condensed Matter for Physics, has been awarded a Starting Grant from the European Research Council for OneSpin, a project on two-dimensional semiconductors.
Improving quantum electrodynamics description
Generate an intense electromagnetic field using a relativistic plasma mirror, in order to collide it with electrons: this is the ambition of the EXAFIELD project of Adrien Leblanc, CNRS researcherat the Laboratoire d’Optique Appliquée (Laboratory of Applied Optics, LOA*), funded by an Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC).