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Education, Research
Results of the student data science challenge "Flights"
The "Flights" challenge proposed to use a supervised learning approach to predict the number of passengers based on the date of their reservation and the route of the plane. It was organised jointly by the Data Science Institute and Data Science and Industrial Processes sponsorship programmes and closed on February 3rd.
Chairs, Research
Annual call for applications of the " For women in quantitative finance " scholarship
On the occasion of the International Women in Science Day, the Chair "Econophysics & complex systems" opens the 2022 call for applications for the "CFM Woman in quantitative finance" PhD scholarship. This award encourages the careers of young female researchers in this field, where there are still few women.
Jean-Jacques Marigo and Patrick Huerre awarded by Euromech
Jean-Jacques Marigo, researcher at the Solid Mechanics Laboratory, and Patrick Huerre, from the Hydrodynamics Laboratory at Ecole Polytechnique, received the Solid Mechanics and Fluid Mechanics prizes from the European Mechanics Society.
A new step forward for spin photodiode physics and technology
An international collaboration involving the Irradiated Solids Laboratory has just published a paper in Physical Review Letters detailing the mechanisms at work for detecting circularly polarised light using spin-optoelectronic devices called spin photodiodes.
Researchers from CREST rewarded by the Financial Times
As part of the "Responsible Business Education Awards", the Financial Times has rewarded Alexis Louaas and Pierre Picard for their work on insurance mechanisms to help farmers in developing countries.
ERC grant on the role of social interactions in demography
Pauline Rossi, associate professor of economics at the Centre for Research in Economics and Statistics, has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant which will enable her to set up a research team on the role of social interactions in population dynamics.
Chairs, Research
Daniel Lincot appointed to the Chair in Technological Innovation at Collège de France
Emeritus researcher at CNRS and former scientific director of Institut Photovoltaïque d'Île-de-France, Daniel Lincot will give his inaugural lecture at the Liliane Bettencourt Chair at Collège de France on 20 January. He will give an overview of photovoltaic energy, from historical aspects to current energy transition challenges.
CNRS Gold Medalist Jean Dalibard at École polytechnique
Jean Dalibard is a physicist, researcher at the Kastler Brossel laboratory of the École normale supérieure, professor at the Collège de France and...
Global Student Challenge on Generative Models of Financial Markets
The " Generative Modelling for Financial Losses" challenge was attended by nearly 300 students from masters' degrees specialising in finance and data...
Looking back on the 12th European Symposium on Cubesats
With their low-cost and public technologies, small satellites were at the heart of the discussions from 24 to 26 of November at the 12th European...
The quest for better science: an interview with John Ioannidis
The Laboratoire d'informatique de l'X and the Centre interdisciplinaire Hi! PARIS jointly organised a visit to the École polytechnique on 10 November...
Annual workshop: state of the art in cancer research
The annual workshop "Current Trends in Cancer Modelling and Research" in November 2021 enabled Polytechnique students to come into contact with high...