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Three École Polytechnique researchers win ERC Advanced Grants
Every year, the European Research Council supports ground-breaking research and scientific excellence. In 2024, Charles Baroud, from École Polytechnique’s Hydrodynamics Laboratory (LadHyX), Olivier Gossner, from the Centre for Research in Economics and Statistics (CREST) and Joris van der Hoeven from École Polytechnique’s Computer Laboratory each receive an ERC fellowship in the Advanced Grants category.
Nearly 30 École Polytechnique’s graduates in the Choiseul 2024 ranking
Twenty-nine École Polytechnique alumni and graduates feature in the 2024 edition of the Choiseul ranking of business leaders under 40. Thirteen of them feature in the Top 100.
Preparatory training for non-French-speaking students of the Ingénieur Polytechnicien program
Designed specifically for non-French-speaking students as an integral part of their first year in the Ingénieur Polytechnicien program, the preparatory training combines French culture and language classes, scientific courses, sports, and cultural activities. This preparatory program has been developed to help non-French-speaking students become familiar with the academic and social campus environment at École Polytechnique. It takes place while the French and French-speaking international students of the class complete their human and military training. In April 2024, all students of class X2023 will get together for the first academic period of the Ingénieur Polytechnicien program and pursue their engineering studies together.
Sustainable Development
Climate Plan: A progress report after two years of implementation
Two years after the publication of École Polytechnique's Climate Plan and its commitment to make sustainable development a core part of its fundamental missions of education, research and innovation, the implementation of all of its ten objectives has been launched.
6th Bachelor Speech Contest: Freedom in question
The sixth edition of the Bachelors speech contest took place on February 13, 2024. Open to 2nd-year students, this competition illustrates the openness and multidisciplinarity of this post-baccalaureate program, which is taught entirely in English and is now recognized worldwide.
École Polytechnique launches a new course on sustainable engineering
Led by Céline Guivarch, an economist, climate change specialist at École des Ponts and writer for the IPCC, this 40-hour course is aimed at 2nd-year students of the Cycle ingénieur polytechnicien program. Its aim is to give them a systemic vision of the major challenges of sustainability, and to equip them with the knowledge they need to tackle them. Launched at the start of the 2024 academic year, it is part of École Polytechnique's Climate Plan.
Cybersecurity needs explode as cyberthreats grow - ANSSI Director General
Vincent Strubel (X2000), Director General of the French Cybersecurity Agency (ANSSI), spoke at École Polytechnique, underlining the change in scale of cybercrime, the explosion in training and research needs in cyberdefense, and the role Ecole Polytechnique can play to fulfill them.
École polytechnique tops L'Étudiant's 2024 ranking of Engineering Schools
École polytechnique remains at the top of the 2024 ranking of French Engineering Schools published by the French magazine L'Étudiant, ahead of ENSTA Paris (2nd) and École des Mines Paris Tech (3rd). The ranking covers 170 Schools.
A better understanding of cell mechanical property measures
A team from the Hydrodynamics Laboratory (LadHyX) has published an article in Biophysical Journal describing measurements of the mechanical properties of cells. An image of their experiment is featured on the cover. Here is what it looks like.
Campus, Education
Inauguration of a new Shared Learning Building
Located in the heart of the École polytechnique district on the Saclay plateau, this architecturally unique building will house the teaching and learning facilities of seven higher education and research establishments, including École polytechnique, which have spearheaded this ambitious collective project.
Two researchers from École Polytechnique’s laboratories elected to the French Academy of Sciences
Josselin Garnier, researcher at the Centre for Applied Mathematics (CMAP) and Sandrine Bony, Research Director at the CNRS - Centre national de la recherche scientifique within the Laboratory of Dynamic Meteorology (LMD) are among the 18 scientists newly elected to the French Academy of Sciences.