News list

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Sustainable Development
École Polytechnique’s Climate Plan: One year of implementation
One year after the publication of École Polytechnique’s Climate Plan and its commitment to put sustainable development at the heart of its fundamental missions of education, research and innovation, the realization of its ten objectives is well under way.
Chairs, Research
Optimizing the shape of shoe soles
Entrepreneurship, Innovation
X-FAB, the prototyping space at École Polytechnique, opens up to bioengineering
The Engineering for Health (E4H) Interdisciplinary Center of Institut Polytechnique de Paris, of which École polytechnique is a founding member, is opening a new creative and collaborative space dedicated to bioengineering projects’ prototyping.
École polytechnique releases an online dynamic digital brochure to present its Research and Laboratories
École Polytechnique has published online a dynamic digital presentation in French and English of its 23 laboratories, their teams and ambitions. École Polytechnique, a founding member of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, has made the promotion of its research within IP Paris a cornerstone of its 2022-2026 development plan.
Companies Day at the Computer Science Department of École polytechnique
On December 5th, École Polytechnique's Computer Science Department (DIX) organized a companies day for its students. The event allowed the School's computer science students to meet with a panel of companies, most of which are partners of the Department and its Laboratory (LIX). The companies presented their activities as well as the major operational and research challenges they face.
International, Research
Visiting professorships at Columbia University and École Polytechnique
Christophe Josserand, CNRS researcher and professor at École Polytechnique, and Qiang Du, Fu Foundation Professor of Applied Mathematics at Columbia University, spent three months as visiting professors at the respective other institution in the United States and France. As they crossed paths at École Polytechnique this autumn, they agreed to tell us about their visiting professorships and experience at the partner institutions.
Nikhil Desai and Sébastien Michelin awarded for their research on microswimmers
The researchers receive the François Frenkiel Award from the American Physical Society for their work at the Hydrodynamics Laboratory on the modelling of active drops moving in a fluid.
International, Education
Portrait - Mariam Gedenidze in exchange at Nanyang Technological University
As part of her third year in École Polytechnique’s Bachelor of Science program, Mariam Gedenidze currently studies as an exchange student at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore. She is one of the first students to benefit from the new partnership agreement École Polytechnique and NTU signed to facilitate study exchanges for undergraduate students of the two prestigious institutions.