Opportunities for the 4th year

Engineering schools: The natural route is a 4th year at ISAE-Supaero, but other major engineering schools can be considered.
Master: The "Science and Challenges of Space" program also leads to a 4th year of a Research Master (M2). For instance, in physics: Mention Physics, M2 course "Plasma and Fusion Physics", or Mention "Astronomy and Astrophysics", regional Master's degree in Ile de France.
International: The program can also be continued with a Master's degree abroad, in universities with which we have privileged connections: Caltech, GeorgiaTech, Stanford, Polytechnique Montreal, EPFL Lausanne, TUM Munich, Von Karman Institute, etc.
The 4th year of the X2017 class
- 9 students at ISAE-Supaéro (2 in the armament corps)
- 1 student in master HEC
- 1 student at Cambridge (UK). Master oriented on Applied Mathematics
- 1 student at GeorgiaTech, Master in Aerospace Engineering
- 1 student at Polytechnique Montréal
- 1 élève en année de césure
The 4th year of the X2018 class
- 12 students at ISAE-Supaéro (3 in the armament corps)
- 1 student at the Mines de Paris
- 2 students at masters in France (Physique théorique Ulm, Physique des Plasmas IP Paris)
- 4 students at masters in North America (GeorgiaTech, Stanford, Caltech, Polytechnique Montréal)
- 1 student at a master in UK (South Hampton)
- 1 student in sabbatical year
- 1 student doing a PhD (student at ENSTA)
- 2 students in the Army (pilots in the Ground and Air forces)