
You will find here our news, concerning both Space Center activities, conferences and courses.
The Binet AstronautiX is pleased to welcome Jean-François Clervoy, X78 and astronaut, for a conference at the Ecole Polytechnique. Having spent more than 28 days in space, he will tell us about this hostile yet fascinating environment. Moreover, he will also discuss the last 30 years of French space research, through his experience at the DGA, CNES, ESA and NASA.
On February 6, 2023, Antoine Pallois presented his career path to the students during the MasterClass.
Antoine has been working for The Exploration Company since March 2022 as a Guidance, Control and Navigation (GCN) engineer.
A graduate of the École Polytechnique (X2015) and the ISAE-SUPAERO (S2019), Antoine did his end-of-study internship at MBDA on swarm guidance methods. He then pursued a Graduate Program within the same group, during which he evolved within the Aerodynamics department and the Guidance, Control and Navigation department. In parallel to the implementation of aerodynamic simulation tools at The Exploration Company, Antoine is in charge of the GCN activities for the different projects of the company, including the atmospheric re-entry mission planned for 2024.
On December 1, Cédric Renault, Director of R&D and Intellectual Property at ArianeGroup, came to present his career to the students.
He has a long and solid experience in the space industry. A graduate of Ecole Polytechnique (1999) and ISAE-SupAero (2002), he began his career as an engineer at ArianeGroup (then EADS Launch Vehicle) in 2002.
Expert in automatic control and flight control systems, he has moved on to management responsibilities within ArianeGroup. Initially in charge of the Navigation Systems team in 2009 and the Reentry Vehicle Design Office in 2013, he has been in charge of the R&T Plan and technology roadmaps since 2017, and Director of R&T since 2020.

MM. Jean-Jacques Dordain, ESA DG (2003-2015) and Michael Griffin, NASA Administrator (2005-2009), gave a lecture on Thursday, September 22, starting at 6:30 p.m. in the Poincaré Amphitheatre on the theme: What does space exploration teach us about international cooperation ?

During the final stages of the competition held at the École Polytechnique on Monday, September 12, 2022, 13 projects were presented to a jury made up of personalities from the academic world, companies and the press. The X-Rocket project was among them...