Etudiant / Candidat

Les procédures internes de candidatures
Afin de faciliter la préparation de la mobilité internationale et de renforcer les chances d...
Molecules and precursors for functional materials
The development of novel precursors is often a key step in the development and engineering of new...
Organic synthesis methodologies
Organic chemistry is inextricably linked to the development of new synthetic reactions and...
Sensors and probes for health and the environment
Sensors have become the basic building block in most everyday objects (telephones, vehicles, etc.)...
X-FAB Prototyping Space
Are you a student, entrepreneur or researcher working on a technological prototyping project? The X...
X2024 Onboarding
Welcome to the Class of X2024 Polytechnique engineering students. This X2024 website will provide...
"Pantoufle" - Engagement spécial
Publié le 15 juillet 2021 - Service juridique (Direction général des services) Les élèves français...
1794-1804 : Révolution et période napoléonienne
L’École est créée en 1794, sous le nom d’« École centrale des travaux publics », afin de faire face...
1794-1804: Revolution and Napoleonic Period
École Polytechnique was founded in 1794, under the name École Centrale des Travaux Publics (Central...
19th century: thrust into the upheaval of the times
The history of École Polytechnique is closely tied to the periods of political, economic, and social...