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International, Education, Research
EuroTech Postdoc2 brings together postdocs from across Europe
École Polytechnique organized a five-day boot camp for the 35 postdoctoral researchers enrolled in the EuroTech Postdoc2 fellowship program. From April 17-21, 2023, the participants joined the campus from across Europe to meet their peers and take part in several workshops designed to support them in their future careers.
International, Education
McCall MacBain scholarship granted to Elsa Tanré (X20)
Among the finalists for the McCall MacBain scholarship, Elsa Tanré, who studies in the Ingénieur Polytechnicien program (X20), represented École Polytechnique with distinction and has been awarded a scholarship of 20,000 Canadian dollars.
International, Education
Eiffel Excellence Scholarships 2023: Thirteen students of l'X among the winners
Thirteen of the Eiffel excellence scholarships 2023 are granted to international students of École Polytechnique. Five additional students are on the complementary list for this prestigious scholarship awarded by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs and may add to the excellent result. Beyond the excellence of the students, the distinction also illustrates the global renown of the School, attracting the best international students to its degree programs.
Executive Education launches a professional development course in Blockchain and decentralized finance
Building on the success of the Blockchain Starter Program, launched in 2022, to understand the strategic, economic and legal issues of this technology, École Polytechnique Executive Education, completes its offer on Blockchain and launches the "Blockchain Advanced Program Decentralized Finance (DeFi)" certification program.
Choiseul 2023 Ranking: 16 alumni among the business leaders of tomorrow
Sixteen École Polytechnique’s alumni and students appear in the 2023 edition of the French think tank Institut Choiseul ranking of business leaders under 40. Seven of them are in the Top 100.
A team of Ecole Polytechnique’s students qualify for the IPT 2023
A team of Ecole Polytechnique’s students has won the tenth Tournament of Young French Physicists, qualifying for the International Physicist’s Tournament (IPT) to be held at the Ecole Polytechnique from April 23rd to 29th.
Charles Roques-Carmes (X2013) in the 30 scientists under 30 distinguished by Forbes magazine
Charles Roques-Carmes is a Polytechnique engineer and is currently a postdoctoral associate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Electronics Research Laboratory, where he received his Ph.D. in 2022 after completing a Master's degree in electrical and computer engineering. He is one of the 30 young scientists under the age of 30 honored by the North American edition of Forbes magazine.
École Polytechnique tops again Le Figaro ranking of the best French Engineering Schools
École Polytechnique heads once again the top engineering school in the 2023 ranking released by the newspaper Le Figaro, which has published the names and scores of the top ten schools. Three other schools of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, of which X is a founding member, appear in this list of the top 10 French Engineering Schools: Télécom Paris, ENSAE Paris and ENSTA Paris.