Sébastien Lecornu, Minister of the French Armed Forces, was on hand to inaugurate the Research Department of the Ministerial Agency for Artificial Intelligence in Defense (MAAID) at École Polytechnique, and announced the construction of a Defense Institute on the School’s campus. The new building, financed to the tune of 15 million euros, is intended to act as a bridge between the Ministry of the Armed Forces and École Polytechnique, thus reaffirming the latter's militarity, emphasized the Minister.
An avenue on École Polytechnique’s campus is now dedicated to Anne Duthilleul-Chopinet, the first female valedictorian to enter École Polytechnique, when the cycle ingénieur polytechnicien entrance examination was opened to women. The inauguration of this avenue, in her presence, was an opportunity to recall the contribution of women to major scientific advances and École polytechnique’s commitment to their promotion.
Laura Chaubard, President and CEO of École Polytechnique, opened this international scientific conference by emphasizing the far-reaching upheavals that AI is already causing, and X's long tradition of supporting the profound scientific and societal transformations that have taken place since its creation.
An international scientific conference will be held on February 6 and 7 at École Polytechnique, focusing on the impact of the development of artificial intelligence on science and society. This event will take place ahead of the Summit for Action on AI, organized by the French authorities at the Grand Palais in Paris on February 10 and 11.
École Polytechnique has been awarded the Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility (Label Développement Durable et Responsabilité Sociétale - DD&RS) by the Collective for the Integration of Social Responsibility in Higher Education (Collectif pour l'Intégration de la Responsabilité Sociétale et du Développement Durable dans l'Enseignement Supérieur - CIRCES). This label confirms the strategy of societal and environmental transformation deployed for many years by École Polytechnique, and supported since 2024 by a dedicated department.
Xavier Niel, telecommunications and digital entrepreneur, press owner, co-founder of the Station F incubator and several digital training schools, held a round-table discussion with students from École Polytechnique, focusing on entrepreneurship. He emphasized the contribution of École Polytechnique and its graduates to France's performance in digital technology and artificial intelligence.
Campus, Diversity & Success, Corporate relations, Institution, Research
École Polytechnique’s Foundation (FX) is launching its third fund-raising campaign with a strong commitment to “Serving Science”. It aims to raise 200 million euros over the next 5 years from private individuals and companies, and has announced that it has already raised over 40% of this target.
With over 10,000 m2 of floor space, the Mechanical Hub building brings together research laboratories in solid, fluid mechanics and livingmechanics from École Polytechnique and ENSTA Paris. Positioned near the new ONERA site, this strategic facility promotes academic excellence internationally.
École polytechnique's traditional participation in the July 14 military parade involved 246 Cycle ingénieur polytechnicien program students, slightly fewer than in previous years, for a ceremony that was scaled back due to preparations for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. Placed under the dual theme of the 80th anniversary of the Liberation and Olympism, the 2024 parade was particularly resonant with the Polytechnique spirit.
A consortium led by the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, of which X is a founding member, and HEC Paris has won a €70 million call for IA Cluster projects. This collective success will have numerous spin-offs for the X laboratories involved in the Hi! PARIS Interdisciplinary Center for Artificial Intelligence and Data Analysis.
The French Minister of the Armed Forces, Sébastien Lecornu, announced at École polytechnique the creation as early as summer 2024 of a new Ministerial Agency for Artificial Intelligence in Defense (MAAID). The agency's research center will be located on Ecole Polytechnique’s campus. The minister also reiterated the importance of the military status of École Polytechnique’s cadets, and underlined the importance of the resources allocated to École polytechnique by the Ministry of the Armed Forces.
Vincent Strubel (X2000), Director General of the French Cybersecurity Agency (ANSSI), spoke at École Polytechnique, underlining the change in scale of cybercrime, the explosion in training and research needs in cyberdefense, and the role Ecole Polytechnique can play to fulfill them.