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Genetics in social models
How much of the inequalities in our wealth, health, and family planning can we explain with our current statistical models and data? This is one of the questions that Felix Tropf, Assistant Professor at the Centre for Research in Economics and Statistics (CREST*) wishes to answer with his FINDME project, funded by a Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC).
Sustainable Development, Education, Research
COP27: École Polytechnique as observer
A delegation of researchers and students from École Polytechnique and the Institut Polytechnique de Paris attended COP27, the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference. The conference took place from 6 to 18 November in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.
Nikhil Desai and Sébastien Michelin awarded for their research on microswimmers
The researchers receive the François Frenkiel Award from the American Physical Society for their work at the Hydrodynamics Laboratory on the modelling of active drops moving in a fluid.
Towards a new paradigm in artificial intelligence
Éric Moulines, Professor at École Polytechnique, Michael Jordan from the University of California, Berkeley, Christian Robert from Université Paris Dauphine-PSL and Gareth Roberts from the University of Warwick are leading the OCEAN project funded by the European Research Council (ERC Synergy Grant). The aim is to lay the theoretical foundations for the future generation of artificial intelligence algorithms.
Education, Research
Six winners of the l'Oréal-UNESCO Awards for Women in Science are linked to l'X
Victoire Cachoux (X2013), Flore Sentenac (X2014), Lucile Vigué (X2015), Anne Nguyen (X2014), Marie Cherasse, PhD student at the Irradiated Solids Laboratory, and Angèle Niclas, post-doctoral student at the Centre for Applied Mathematics, are among the laureates of the l'Oréal-UNESCO 2022 Prize for Women in Science, which rewards their research work conducted during their PhD.
Sustainable Development, Education, Research
Two X students receive prestigious awards for their research in responsible finance
The research papers of two École Polytechnique students in the field of responsible investment has been distinguished by the Forum for Responsible Investment - Principles for Responsible Investment Awards, which recognize outstanding academic research in the field of finance and sustainable development.
The 2022 Nobel prize in physics awarded to Alain Aspect, professor at École polytechnique
Alain Aspect, CNRS Research Director Emeritus at the Institut d'Optique Graduate School (Université Paris-Saclay - CNRS) and Professor at École Polytechnique, is co-recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics 2022. This Nobel Prize rewards his discoveries and underlines the excellence of education in Physics at l'X.
Quantum entanglement: from a philosophical debate to the Nobel Prize
The 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics rewards the experiments with entangled particles conducted by Alain Aspect, John Clauser and Anton Zeilinger, which paved the way for the "second quantum revolution". Let's take a look back at this story, which arose from questions about the nature of quantum physics.
International, Research
EuroTech Talks – Scientific lectures across Europe
The third edition of the scientific lectures series brought together Kostas (Konstantinos) Danas, research director at CNRS and professor at École Polytechnique, and Pedro Reis, professor at École Polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), on September 22nd, 2022, to discuss the latest studies on magnetorheological elastomers (MREs) conducted at l’X and EPFL, both partner universities in the EuroTech Alliance.
Gérard Mourou shares the Golden Goose Award 2022 for the application of lasers to eye surgery
Donna Strickland, Tibor Juhasz, Ron Kurtz, Detao Du and Gérard Mourou are recognized for applying ultrafast lasers to treat eye diseases. This is an example where basic research has unexpectedly led to an important tool for society.
Antoine Georges receives the 2022 Feenberg Memorial Medal
Antoine Georges, physicist at the Centre for Theoretical Physics and Professor at the Collège de France, has been awarded the Feenberg Memorial Medal along with Gabriel Kotliar and Dieter Vollhardt for his theoretical work on quantum systems consisting of a large number of interacting particles.
Campus, Sustainable Development, Institution, Research
An exceptional donation to accelerate research on the energy transition at Polytechnique
Stéphane (X93) and Agnès Ifker have renewed their commitment to Polytechnique through an exceptional donation to support research on the energy transition. In this way, they are helping to position the Energy4 Climate interdisciplinary center as a world reference. This donation underlines the decisive role of the Polytechnique community for the future of l’X and its strong involvement in solving major new societal challenges.