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First Job Survey X2017: Strong employability confirmed
The survey of 1st job for engineers graduating from X in 2022 confirms their high employability in a context marked by a slowdown in job creation after the very strong rebound in 2021 following the recession caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Campus, Education, Sustainable Development
A sound walk at the launch of a new course for students of the Cycle ingénieur polytechnicien program
The start of the new academic year for the Cycle ingénénieur polytechnicien program class of 2023 (X23) is marked by the launch of the course “Engineering Sustainability, s'ingénier pour durer”, led by economist Céline Guivarch. Featuring some real teaching innovations, the course was launched on Monday with a sound walk around the campus.
École polytechnique hosts the international final of the 38th Mathematical and Logical Games Championship
Organized by the French Mathematical Games Federation on August 25 and 26 at l'X, the event brought together over 500 competitors from 15 different countries. In hosting the event, l'X illustrates two of the principles that animated its founding fathers 230 years ago: recruiting the best scientific talent from all horizons, and delivering scientific and technical training of excellence based on solid mathematical foundations.
Online platforms: users under influence
The Cambridge Analytica scandal has shown that targeting technologies on online platforms (Google, Facebook, Tik Tok...) go beyond the simple sale of objects or services to invest in the realm of information. The work of Oana Goga, a researcher at École Polytechnique's Computer science laboratory (LIX), studies the impact of these technologies on privacy, security and the manipulation of public opinion. They have fuelled reflection on the European Union's Digital Services Act and are being continued today as part of an ERC Starting Grants fellowship.
Chairs, Research
Gauthier Vermandel recognised for his research into green finance
In December, Gauthier Vermandel was awarded the Banque de France's 2023 "Young Researchers in Green Finance" prize for his work on the impact of the carbon tax on financial markets.
University Presidents of the U7+ Alliance campaign for Inclusive Education
The Presidential Summit of the international alliance U7+, in which École Polytechnique is a founding member, took place at Bocconi University in Italy from April 11 to 12, 2024. Laura Chaubard, Director General and Acting President of École Polytechnique, attended the conference, which brought together the presidents and executives of over 80 universities worldwide to focus on this year’s theme "Inclusive Education for Inclusive Societies". The summit concluded with a formal statement on Global Access to Higher Education, also calling on the G7 to collaborate in four key areas.
The AAMS 2024 international conference at École Polytechnique from September 4 to 6, 2024
This symposium brings together international specialists in Additive Manufacturing of metals, a fast-growing field of research. The scientific conference is intended as a forum for discussion, with a particular focus on young researchers.
Chairs, Research
CLIFIRIUM: a multidisciplinary conference on climate economics
The second CLIFIRIUM conference (Climate finance, risk and uncertainty modelling) was held from 09 to 11 October 2023 at the Banque de France and the French Banking Federation. It was organised by the "Stress-Test: Risk Management and Financial Steering" Chair, headed by Emmanuel Gobet (professor at the École Polytechnique) at the Center for Applied Mathematics (CMAP*) and supported by BNP Paribas.
Chairs, Research
20 years of sponsorship for the ecological and energy transition
The "Sustainable Development" and "Sustainable Energies" teaching and research chairs, both supported by EDF, are celebrating their 20th and 15th anniversaries, a long-term commitment to the ecological and energy transition.
Preparatory training for non-French-speaking students of the Ingénieur Polytechnicien program
Designed specifically for non-French-speaking students as an integral part of their first year in the Ingénieur Polytechnicien program, the preparatory training combines French culture and language classes, scientific courses, sports, and cultural activities. This preparatory program has been developed to help non-French-speaking students become familiar with the academic and social campus environment at École Polytechnique. It takes place while the French and French-speaking international students of the class complete their human and military training. In April 2024, all students of class X2023 will get together for the first academic period of the Ingénieur Polytechnicien program and pursue their engineering studies together.
Chairs, Research
In Morocco, the Chair "Data Science and Industrial Processes" co-organises the "Winter School - Generative AI"
The "Data Science and Industrial Processes" Chair, in partnership with UM6P, co-directed at École Polytechnique by Eric Moulines and supported by the OCP Group, helped organize the "Winter School - Generative AI" conference held from February 26 to March 1, 2024 in Morocco.
Sustainable Development
Climate Plan: A progress report after two years of implementation
Two years after the publication of École Polytechnique's Climate Plan and its commitment to make sustainable development a core part of its fundamental missions of education, research and innovation, the implementation of all of its ten objectives has been launched.