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Diversity & Success
50 years ago, 7 pioneers and two valedictorians The publication of the results of the entrance exam to Ecole Polytechnique on August 2, 1972 marked the arrival of the first seven women in the Ingénieur Polytechnicien program. Ecole Polytechnique celebrates the fiftieth anniversary of its...
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The X-HEC Master Data Science & AI for Business, in the Top 3 of the QS 2025 worldwide rankingsement QS 2025 The X-HEC Master's in Data Science & AI for Business remains in third place worldwide out of 164 comparable programs in the 2024 QS Masters in Business Analytics ranking. It is once again ranked No. 1 worldwide in terms of employer reputation.
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MATritime: mathematics for the energy transition in sea shipping École Polytechnique, Inria, CNRS and Bañulsdesign have joined forces to launch the MATritime joint laboratory, with funding from the French National Research Agency. The aim is to develop computational and statistical tools that will provide the sea...
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L'X at the July 14th parade, between the Paris Olympics and the Liberation celebrations École polytechnique's traditional participation in the July 14 military parade involved 246 Cycle ingénieur polytechnicien program students, slightly fewer than in previous years, for a ceremony that was scaled back due to preparations for the Paris...
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Une nouvelle offre de l’incubateur de l’X pour accompagner l’entrepreneuriat Deeptech L’incubateur de l’École polytechnique lance une nouvelle offre d’accompagnement à destination des startups Deeptech. Programme renforcé et sur-mesure, ouverture à tous les acteurs de l’innovation, valorisation de technologies permettant de relever...
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L’X gathers U7+ students around the topic of AI in Education Organized by École Polytechnique, this year’s edition of the U7+ Student Forum focused on “AI in Higher Education” and how to maximize its benefits and mitigate its risks. The two-week event brought together experts and students from around the world...
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IP Paris News

Journée Scientifique IP Paris 2024
Deux chercheurs soutenus par une bourse ERC Starting Grant à l'Institut Polytechnique de Paris
L'Institut Polytechnique de Paris attribue ses prix de thèses 2024