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Diversity & Success
École Polytechnique’s Foundation aims to raise 200 million euros to serve science École Polytechnique’s Foundation (FX) is launching its third fund-raising campaign with a strong commitment to “Serving Science”. It aims to raise 200 million euros over the next 5 years from private individuals and companies, and has announced that...
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École Polytechnique Executive Education to train French business leaders in AI École Polytechnique Executive Education will train MEDEF business leaders in Artificial Intelligence (AI), as well as organizing “learning expeditions” on the theme of quantum and cybersecurity. This mission was entrusted to X-EXED following a...
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Caroline Cohen, for science and sport. Professor in the Department of Mechanics at École polytechnique, Caroline Cohen carries out her research at the Hydrodynamics Laboratory (LadHyX*), at the interface between science and sport. In particular, she helped athletes and federations prepare...
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École Polytechnique honors its first woman valedictorian An avenue on École Polytechnique’s campus is now dedicated to Anne Duthilleul-Chopinet, the first female valedictorian to enter École Polytechnique, when the cycle ingénieur polytechnicien entrance examination was opened to women. The inauguration of...
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Une nouvelle offre de l’incubateur de l’X pour accompagner l’entrepreneuriat Deeptech L’incubateur de l’École polytechnique lance une nouvelle offre d’accompagnement à destination des startups Deeptech. Programme renforcé et sur-mesure, ouverture à tous les acteurs de l’innovation, valorisation de technologies permettant de relever...
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Exploring high-energy astrophysics at Columbia and École Polytechnique Alliance Visiting professor at École Polytechnique, Reshmi Mukherjee, research professor at Barnard College of Columbia University, has developed her joint research with Deirdre Horan, researcher at the Leprince-Ringuet laboratory for particle...
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