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International, Education
Portrait - Mariam Gedenidze in exchange at Nanyang Technological University
As part of her third year in École Polytechnique’s Bachelor of Science program, Mariam Gedenidze currently studies as an exchange student at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore. She is one of the first students to benefit from the new partnership agreement École Polytechnique and NTU signed to facilitate study exchanges for undergraduate students of the two prestigious institutions.
Gerondeau - Safran Awards 2022: Entrepreneurship, a long-term challenge
The 12th edition of the Gerondeau - Safran Prize, awarded on November 9, confirmed the commitment of its founders to long-term entrepreneurship, and rewarded three disruptive start-ups with strong industrial and technological components: Amphitrite, Stratolia and Surge.
Towards a new paradigm in artificial intelligence
Éric Moulines, Professor at École Polytechnique, Michael Jordan from the University of California, Berkeley, Christian Robert from Université Paris Dauphine-PSL and Gareth Roberts from the University of Warwick are leading the OCEAN project funded by the European Research Council (ERC Synergy Grant). The aim is to lay the theoretical foundations for the future generation of artificial intelligence algorithms.
Campus, Entrepreneurship, Corporate relations, Innovation
RunBlind : Specialist in Augmented Audio applied to universal guidance
THE ENTREPRENEUR AND THE START-UP. Philippe Le Borgne, co-founder and CEO of RunBlind, has a multi entrepreneurial background in different fields such...
International, Institution
Sixth edition of Erasmus Days at École Polytechnique
As Erasmus Days are organized throughout the world from October 13 to 15, École Polytechnique highlighted the many opportunities for international exchange and mobility offered to students, PhD candidates, faculty, and administrative staff to support their projects during an event on campus on October 14.
Entrepreneurship, Innovation
Pierre Haren : "The start-up remains one of the most extraordinary adventures of humanity"
After the success of Ilog, created in 1987 under the aegis of INRIA and then bought by IBM, Pierre Haren (X73) co-founded Causality Link, a start-up that uses AI and machine learning to better understand the causal links between various economic indicators and market events. Pierre Haren, a start-up pioneer, explains why he decided to get back into the start-up game and draws some lessons from his experiences for aspiring entrepreneurs.  
International, Institution
École Polytechnique and Columbia University to establish a Dual Degree in Engineering
École Polytechnique and the Columbia University Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science are joining forces to offer a joint Bachelor's and Master's degree in Engineering. This dual degree program, to be launched next year, will accept its first cohort of students in autumn 2024.
Laura Chaubard, new Director General of École polytechnique
Following the Council of Ministers meeting of Monday, October 5th, 2022, Laura Chaubard (X 1999) was appointed Director General of École Polytechnique. She takes on the role previously held by François Bouchet, engineer-general of Armament, senior class (IGHCA).
International, Institution
University of Chicago becomes a partner of École Polytechnique
École Polytechnique signs a new mobility agreement with the prestigious University of Chicago, enabling undergraduate students of both institutions to enroll in an exchange semester at the respective partner university.
Sustainable Development, Education, Research
Two X students receive prestigious awards for their research in responsible finance
The research papers of two École Polytechnique students in the field of responsible investment has been distinguished by the Forum for Responsible Investment - Principles for Responsible Investment Awards, which recognize outstanding academic research in the field of finance and sustainable development.