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International, Education
McCall MacBain scholarship granted to Elsa Tanré (X20)
Among the finalists for the McCall MacBain scholarship, Elsa Tanré, who studies in the Ingénieur Polytechnicien program (X20), represented École Polytechnique with distinction and has been awarded a scholarship of 20,000 Canadian dollars.
International, Education
Eiffel Excellence Scholarships 2023: Thirteen students of l'X among the winners
Thirteen of the Eiffel excellence scholarships 2023 are granted to international students of École Polytechnique. Five additional students are on the complementary list for this prestigious scholarship awarded by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs and may add to the excellent result. Beyond the excellence of the students, the distinction also illustrates the global renown of the School, attracting the best international students to its degree programs.
Sustainable Development
X students attend the French government update meeting with the 50 French most polluting industries
The French Minister for Industry, Roland Lescure, brought together the heads of the 50 industrial sites with the highest greenhouse gas emissions. They detailer their strategy for reducing their emissions by nearly 50% by 2030.
International, Institution, Sustainable Development
École Polytechnique hosts EuroTech Alliance symposium on Sustainability
Choiseul 2023 Ranking: 16 alumni among the business leaders of tomorrow
Sixteen École Polytechnique’s alumni and students appear in the 2023 edition of the French think tank Institut Choiseul ranking of business leaders under 40. Seven of them are in the Top 100.
Sustainable Development
École Polytechnique’s Climate Plan: One year of implementation
One year after the publication of École Polytechnique’s Climate Plan and its commitment to put sustainable development at the heart of its fundamental missions of education, research and innovation, the realization of its ten objectives is well under way.
Chairs, Research
Optimizing the shape of shoe soles
Entrepreneurship, Innovation
Ten of the Next40 2023 start-ups created by École Polytechnique’s alumni
The start-ups included in the 2023 Next40 /FrenchTech 120 lists were unveiled on February 19th. Ten of tte 40 Next 40 start-ups were created or co-founded by École polytechnique alumni. One out of five French unicorns - start-ups valued at more than $1 billion - also originated from the X entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem.
Entrepreneurship, Innovation
X-FAB, the prototyping space at École Polytechnique, opens up to bioengineering
The Engineering for Health (E4H) Interdisciplinary Center of Institut Polytechnique de Paris, of which École polytechnique is a founding member, is opening a new creative and collaborative space dedicated to bioengineering projects’ prototyping.