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École Polytechnique hosts a regional final of the 3-Minutes Thesis competition
Ten young researchers, most of them from École Polytechnique’s laboratories, presented their thesis topics at this event organized at École polytechnique by the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, of which École polytechnique is a founding member. Marie Sigallon and Elie Kadoche have been selected to represent IP Paris at the national semi-final to be held in April 2024.
Graduation of the first class of the Specialized Master's program ETRE in Ivory Coast
The first class of the specialized Master's program "Renewable Energies: Technology and Entrepreneurship" (ETRE), launched by École Polytechnique and Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouët-Boigny in September 2021 to train executives specialized in renewable energy in Ivory Coast, successfully completed the curriculum. The graduation ceremony took place at the French embassy in Abidjan, on 1st March 2024, in the presence of the French Ambassador to Côte d'Ivoire Jean-Christophe Belliard.
Three École Polytechnique’s Masters awarded in the 2024 Eduniversal ranking
The Master's degree in Artificial Intelligence & Advanced Visual Computing is first in its category, as in 2023. The MSc&T Energy Environnement: Science, Technology and Management is second in its category, moving up one place. Finally, the MSc&T Internet of Things: Innovation and Management, ranked for the first time, is ranked 6th in its field.
Five Ecole Polytechnique researchers awarded the CNRS bronze medal
Every year, the CNRS medals are awarded to researchers and staff who have made an outstanding contribution to the institution's dynamism and reputation.
Sustainable Development
Climate Plan: A progress report after two years of implementation
Two years after the publication of École Polytechnique's Climate Plan and its commitment to make sustainable development a core part of its fundamental missions of education, research and innovation, the implementation of all of its ten objectives has been launched.
6th Bachelor Speech Contest: Freedom in question
The sixth edition of the Bachelors speech contest took place on February 13, 2024. Open to 2nd-year students, this competition illustrates the openness and multidisciplinarity of this post-baccalaureate program, which is taught entirely in English and is now recognized worldwide.
École Polytechnique launches a new course on sustainable engineering
Led by Céline Guivarch, an economist, climate change specialist at École des Ponts and writer for the IPCC, this 40-hour course is aimed at 2nd-year students of the Cycle ingénieur polytechnicien program. Its aim is to give them a systemic vision of the major challenges of sustainability, and to equip them with the knowledge they need to tackle them. Launched at the start of the 2024 academic year, it is part of École Polytechnique's Climate Plan.
New partnership with the University of Waterloo
École Polytechnique and the University of Waterloo in Canada have elaborated an agreement allowing students from both institutions to study at the respective partner university across the Atlantic for an exchange semester. The new student mobility agreement between the two institutions contributes to reinforcing the dialogue and partnership between France and Canada.
Cybersecurity needs explode as cyberthreats grow - ANSSI Director General
Vincent Strubel (X2000), Director General of the French Cybersecurity Agency (ANSSI), spoke at École Polytechnique, underlining the change in scale of cybercrime, the explosion in training and research needs in cyberdefense, and the role Ecole Polytechnique can play to fulfill them.
Probing biominerals: two (or three) photons are better than one
A team from the Optics and Biosciences Laboratory (LOB*) has obtained proof-of-principle for the classification of kidney stones using multi-photon microscopy combined with polarimetry. This optical method, which has been published in the journal ACS Photonics, could open up new prospects for biomineral analysis and improved patient management.A team from the Optics and Biosciences Laboratory (LOB*) has obtained proof-of-principle for the classification of kidney stones using multi-photon microscopy combined with polarimetry. This optical method, which has been published in the journal ACS Photonics, could open up new prospects for biomineral analysis and improved patient management.