L'Usine Nouvelle 2025 ranking of engineering Schools confirms Ecole Polytechnique’s 1st place. École Polytechnique particularly stands out for its international reach and the employability of its graduates.
École Polytechnique, top of Figaro Étudiant's 2025 ranking of French Engineering Schools, stands out for its academic performance, international outlook and employability. Against a backdrop of a shortage of engineers in France, this recognition underlines its key role in training talent to meet technological and ecological challenges.
École Polytechnique ranks 26th in THE world ranking of universities for the employability of their graduates, and 3rd in France. École Polytechnique gained two places in this worldwide ranking of 250 higher education and research institutions.
The X-HEC Master's in Data Science & AI for Business remains in third place worldwide out of 164 comparable programs in the 2024 QS Masters in Business Analytics ranking. It is once again ranked No. 1 worldwide in terms of employer reputation.
École Polytechnique ranks 18th worldwide in the “Digital Leaders in Higher Education” ranking compiled by Emerging for Times Higher Education (THE). It ranks 14th worldwide in the “Computer Science” category, 23rd in the “Management of Digital Transformation” category and 24th in the “Digital Entrepreneurship” category.
Twenty-nine École Polytechnique alumni and graduates feature in the 2024 edition of the Choiseul ranking of business leaders under 40. Thirteen of them feature in the Top 100.
The Master's degree in Artificial Intelligence & Advanced Visual Computing is first in its category, as in 2023. The MSc&T Energy Environnement: Science, Technology and Management is second in its category, moving up one place. Finally, the MSc&T Internet of Things: Innovation and Management, ranked for the first time, is ranked 6th in its field.
École polytechnique remains at the top of the 2024 ranking of French Engineering Schools published by the French magazine L'Étudiant, ahead of ENSTA Paris (2nd) and École des Mines Paris Tech (3rd). The ranking covers 170 Schools.
The Institut Polytechnique de Paris, of which the École Polytechnique is a founding member, has moved up 24 places in THE 2024 ranking of the world's top universities. Three other French higher education and research establishments are in the Top 75 of this ranking.
École Polytechnique hosted the 15th edition of the International Physicists’Tournament (IPT), which brought together 18 teams from international higher education institutions from April 23 to 29 this year. After winning the tournament three times in a row, the X team finished in fifth.
The French Chemists Tournament 2023, organized at École Polytechnique, brought together nine teams from nine different French higher education institutions. Derived from the format of the International Physicists' Tournament, TFChim is opened to higher education students in chemistry.
École Polytechnique heads once again the top engineering school in the 2023 ranking released by the newspaper Le Figaro, which has published the names and scores of the top ten schools. Three other schools of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, of which X is a founding member, appear in this list of the top 10 French Engineering Schools: Télécom Paris, ENSAE Paris and ENSTA Paris.